Glenn O'Donnell is a seasoned technology market professional in the Information Technology field, with a strong background in IT Service Management (ITSM), management technology, and IT Operations. With 21 years in the trenches of corporate IT plus deep involvement with thousands of clients over the past 8 years, Glenn brings a rich perspective of real-world challenges and solutions to these challenges.
Quick hits:
- Glenn is now a Senior Analyst at Forrester Research,
one of the most highly
respected business technology research and advisory firms in the world! He covers IT Operations, including ITIL, management software, data center automation, and CMDB.
- Glenn is the coauthor of:
The CMDB Imperative:
How to realize the dream and avoid the nightmares,
a Prentice-Hall book that finally corrects much of the common misinformation about the CMDB (Configuration Management Database) and describes how you can transofrm the CMDB into the more useful and flexible Configuration Management System (CMS) that is replacing the CMDB.
It is finally now available!
- Please visit The Service Management Soapbox, Glenn's IT Service management blog.
- Glenn is an avid amateur radio enthusiast, holding the call sign K3PP.